Tuesday, 23 August 2011



It's just to hot to read, I cannot get my brain to work, and the pages are sticking on my fingers whenever I turn a page, that's why I did not yet finish "Club Dead".

As my holidays are coming closer and closer (4 days to go), I wont write my resumees until about 20th of September.

Have a great time!

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Living Dead in Dallas

Living Dead in Dallas is the second book of the Sookie Stackhouse series. Sookie, still in love with Vampire Bill is being sent to Dallas, in order to find the missing companion of the local Vampire leader. She gets involved with the fellowship of the sun, a religious association against Vampires and gets to know another mind reader, so she finally knows she is not unique.
In her hometown Bon Temps things are getting a sexual touch as a maenad is getting into town. Sam, Sookies boss, sort of falls in love with the maenad. When Sookie returns from Dallas she does her best to get the maenad out of town which she only manages with the help of her Vampire friends.

As I liked the first season of the series I already watched season 2 & 3 before reading the second book. The plot of the second season follows very loosely the plot of the second book (more or less, a maenad makes her appearance in Bon Temps and Sookie goes to Dallas). My personal opinion is, that the books are written really good, and the producers of the series take the best parts of the books and make an even better (if a little more controversial) story of it.

I give Living Dead in Dallas 7 out of 10 and started already reading Club Dead (Part 3 of the Sookie Stackhouse novels).

Monday, 8 August 2011

Rufus, der Katzenphilosoph

Rufus, der kastrierte Kater des Autors, fängt am Weihnachtsabend auf einmal zum Reden an. Er erzählt dem Autor Weisheiten aus seinen 7 Leben, und der Autor schreibt mit.

Ich liebe Katzen, und hab mich daher sehr auf dieses Buch gefreut. Schade fand ich, dass Rufus zumeist doch recht überheblich rüberkommt, auch hat mir nicht so gut gefallen, dass sämtliche Gelehrten, die zitiert werden, "Katzennamen" erhalten... --> Katzmann von Fallersleben, nur ein Beispiel.

Na, jedenfalls weiß ich jetzt, wie man als Katze sein Leben verbringt, nämlich ruhig und gelassen, man lässt alles auf sich zukommen, weil man ja ohnehin nichts an der Situation ändern kann...

Ich gebe Rufus 5 von 10 möglichen, und beginne nun mit dem 2. Teil der Sookie Stackhouse Romane: Living Dead in Dallas

Wednesday, 3 August 2011

The Color Purple

The Color Purple, by Alice Walker tells the story of two sisters, Celie and Nettie. The book is mostly written in Celies uneducated english and is in letter form.
They are raised lacking a loving mother, having an unloving father who fatheres Celie two times. When Albert turns up, he falls in love with Nettie, but gets to marry Celie. She moves into his house, and Nettie comes for a short visit. After she is more or less thrown out by Albert nothing is heard of Nettie.
Celie lives her live, tries to raise Alberts nasty children and tries to come through her kismet.
Albert brings home his former love, a singer, Shug Avery, she is very sick with a not more specified womens disease. Celie falls in love with her, despite of her being awfully unfriendly. When Shug recovers, she restarts singing, starts being friendly to Celie and makes sure, that Albert wont hit Celie anymore.
The years pass, and when Shug comes for a visit she and Celie find a bunch of letters from Nettie in a box of Albert. They remove the letters from the envelopes so Albert wont find out, and Celie happily finds out, that Nettie is still alive, living in Africa. And more, Nettie found out, that her father is not their father but only their stepfather.

I don't want to spoiler... the ending is heartbreaking. I really loved the book, in spite of really having problems in the beginning with the language.

I give the color purple 10 out of 10.

Coming up next (german): Rufus, der Katzenphilosoph