Thursday, 25 April 2013

Jonas Jonasson - Der Hundertjährige, der aus einem Fenster stieg und verschwand

Erzählt wird die Geschichte von Allan Karlsson, der am Tag seines 100. Geburtstags beschließt, sein Leben nicht in einem Altersheim zu beenden. So steigt er aus dem Fenster, und ein unglaubliches Abenteuer beginnt. Allan klaut einen geheimnisvollen Koffer, und daraufhin ist nicht nur die Altersheimbelegschaft und die Polizei, sondern auch ein ganzer Gangsterclan hinter ihm her.
In Rückblicken wird Allans gesamt Lebensgeschichte erzählt, die im Jahr 1905 recht unspektakulär im tiefsten Schweden begonnen hat. Allan lernt im Laufe seines Lebens so ziemlich alle wichtigen Staatsmänner kennen, und nach dem Motto "es kommt wie es kommt" lässt er sich auf alle Dinge ein, die da eben kommen mögen.

Ich hab selten soviel lachen müssen bei einem Buch - was besonders in der UBahn nicht so toll ankommt, aber was soll ich machen :-). Mir hat es zum Großteil sehr gut gefallen, einzelne Passagen waren dann schon ein bissl langatmig. Alles in allem vergebe ich 9 von 10 möglichen Punkten.

Und um meine kleine Schwester zu beeindrucken, hab ich jetzt tatsächlich mit Rubinrot von Kerstin Gier angefangen.

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

George R. R. Martin - A Dance with Dragons

The fifth - and currently last published - volume of George R. R. Martins "A Song of Ice and Fire" shows the reader what happened to the characters not mentioned in volume four.
Jon Snow, elected 998th Lord Commander of the Night's Watch faces envy and pure hate from some of his brothers, and finally has to really grow up and fast.
Daenerys has conquered Meereen and decided to stay there, in order to lead her motley people and therefore refine her leading skills. But she faces problems as well, as not all of her folken want to be lead by her... she even needs to find a new husband to appease some part of the Meereen people.
Tyrion is travelling more or less around the whole known world, and not all of this travelling is done by his own free will.
One further learns what happened to Cersei Lannister, Asha and Theon Greyjoy, Arya and Bran Stark.

Much is going on in Westeros, and the fifth volume leaves the reader somewhere in the middle of nowhere, so let's hope that  George keeps on writing :-).

I award 8 out of 10 for many unexpectant turns and a character development which was much appreciated - at least from my point of view.

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Stephen King - The Wind through the Keyhole

I am really surprised by this book, and happy to have read it! Stephen King starts somewhere between book 4 and 5 of the dark tower series. Roland and his ka-tet are still on their long way to the dark tower. They arrive at a river and luckily find some kind of ferry. The ferry-man tells them to beware of a coming Starkblast (a very heavy storm, causing huge drops in temerature, even imploding trees), so they seek shelter in a building made of stone.
When all things are settled (fire made, doors and windows barred...) Roland starts to tell them a story from when he was a newly made gunslinger: he and his friend Jaime went to a small village in order to find out who or what is killing people there. A 12-year old is found and tells that a skinchanger is, who is doing the killing, and that he might be able to identify the person. So Roland, Jaime and a group of locals take the likely ones and bring them to the village. During this time, Roland tells the afraid Boy a Story he often heard as a child - 'the Wind through the keyhole'... So the story in the story begins: little Tim leads a very lovely life with his parents at the edge of the forest. One day his father does not come home from work, he was seemingly killed by a dragon in the forest. So Tims mom - in order to be able to pay her bills - his fathers best friend, who turns out to be not as nice as he seems. Well long story told short, Tim goes on a long journey and finds out what really happened to his dad... He is able to safe an imprisoned Person, to safe his mom from further evil and to safe hisself.
Roland switches then back to his own story, and then the reader goes back to the ka-tet and herewith to the end of the Starkblast.
I really really loved this book! Not only finally an eigth volume of the dark tower, but a very good story (stories...) too. Everything perfect, so 10 out of 10, and guess what! I finished the Vampiracycle AND the 5th volume of Game of Thrones as well (review coming soon) so I already started (nightstand book) 'bones to ashes' by Kathy Reichs, and my standard-with-me-book will be 'der Hundertjährige, der aus dem Fenster stieg und verschwand' by Jonas Jonasson.