Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Michael Bond - Paddington goes to town

By now everyone should know, that I love Paddington :-) This book was no exception, however, two of the stories, both playing at the hospital where somehow not to my liking... and for some reason, Mr. Curry, the unpleasant neighbour of the Browns gets disagreeable each time he has an occurrence... I know, that an unfriendly character might be necessary in order to keep it funny and enthralling (what might Paddington do next?), but Mr. Curry is just too bad!
All the other stories are as lovable and cute as always. Paddington manages to get out of any situation as always (a situation, he gets himself into, no need to mention that), and that is exactly what it needs for a good bedtime story - which is the reason I go on reading with "Paddington takes the air". I award 7 out of 10 (because of the two stories I did not really like).

Wednesday, 17 September 2014

Rita Mae Brown & Sneaky Pie Brown: The Litter of the Law

It is sometime near Halloween in Crozet, the tiny town, where almost all Mrs. Murphy Mysteries are situated. Driving along the autumnly landscape, Harry and her husband discover a corpse, set up as scarecrow. While they are both shocked and call the police, Harrys pets talk to the crows in order to find out who did this cruelty. Not long after this scary incident another body is discovered, set up as a helloween witch... what is going on (again) in cozy Crozet?

I cannot remember when I started reading this series, but it's been ages! I know, most people have their problems with the later volumes, but the beginning of the series... wow, these are some of the best mystery stories I have in my bookshelf - so stopping to read them is not an option :-) which now sounds quite negative, but I think, the last two volumes show, that Mrs. Brown is back on track.
This book starts near Halloween, so I kept thinking of one of the earlier volumes, where Pewter finds a severed head in one of the pumpkins - one of the best books of the series - well, this volume was not as bloody. It was a good but not a perfect read, hence I award 7 out of 10!

I am currently reading City of Heavenly Fire, the final (?) volume of the mortal instruments series by Cassandra Clare - the first one I read in English, and the first one I bought, because Katharina could not lend it to me, as it is not yet available in German ;-)

Wednesday, 3 September 2014

Kathy & Brendan Reichs: Shift

Shift is the second Virals-short story by Kathy & Brendan Reichs. This time, the Virals are facing a robbery on Loggerhead Island, where Torys Dad is now the director. Torys aunt Temperance Brennan is just visiting, so she decides to help solving the case.
The Virals travel in the meantime to Loggerhead in older to do whatever they can to help Torys Dad and the other involved workers to retrieve the stolen computers and laptops.

This short story is even better than Swipe, the reason being, that the abilities of the pack are a little more in focus. It is a little difficult to read, though, as each chapter is told by someone else. This, on the one hand is negative, because it is a little confusing, not to know instantly in which head you are just now, and is positive, because one gets a short glimpse into the mind of characters who usually are not able to get a word in.
So, cool setting (I LOVE LOGGERHEAD ISLAND), cool story, and Tempe knows, that Tory is messing around :-) 9 of 10!

My current book is "The Litter of the Law" from Rita Mae & Sneaky Pie Brown - I have to thank my good friend Manu for helping me decide what to read next, as I already started reading the 6th and final volume of the "Mortal Instruments" (which is currently only available in English, and therefore will be the first of the series, which I read in the original), but when I came home, the new Mrs Murphy mystery was in the postbox, and I could not decide, whether to go on reading City of Heavenly Fire or start with the mystery [I have to say, that the Mrs Murphy crimes are the series I love the most, even though the books are not as good as they where, but I hope, Mrs. Brown will continue, and perhaps regains the fun and strength of the first 12 or so volumes.