Monday, 25 July 2011

Wesley (2)

Stacey O'Brien tells the wonderful story of Wesley the barn owl. She gets him, a few days old, takes him everywhere until he is grown enough to stay alone at home during the day. She becomes his mate (or rather her arm...) and Wesley builds nests everywhere for her. When Wesley starts showing his affection to Stacey by embracing her with his wing, my eyes filled with tears.

After many happy years, Stacey gets very ill, only surviving because she knows, that Wesley will die with her due to grieving, when she would. As Wesley gets older, he gets more or less blind, he gets nervous about having enough to eat (mice) around him, and when Wesley - a now real old barn owl - dies, my eyes got wet again.

I really like stories, where someone gets a small animal and they stay together for all of their lives. Such stories are always funny in exactly the right amount, and you always feel more attached to nature after reading them. With Wesley, it was the same. Most of these books have a sad ending, but Wesley touched me the most, I think, because Stacey can describe in a very lovely way, how Wesley "talks" about everything ("don't eat that, I have a mouse for you", "no no, not for owls"), how he reacts to everyone else but Stacey, how they cuddle together... I really loved that book, and I even think about reading it again (after those app. 50 left in my "unread books" shelf).

Wesley gets the full 10 out of 10!

NEXT ONE TO COME: Alice Walker: The Color Purple

Monday, 18 July 2011


By Stacey O'Brien

Wesley tells "the story of a remarkable owl". 5 day old Wesley, having a problem with the nervs in one wing, gets a new mom, Stacey. She rises him with all her love, watches him learning to fly (never laugh at an owl who learns to fly, it will turn away embarrased), and helps him becoming an adolescent.

Vampira (Folge 6)

Wenn ich mich schon mal wieder mit Vampiren beschäftige, kann ich auch gleich den aktuellen Band von Vampira (BasteiLübbe) lesen :-)

Vampira - die Blutspur, ist mein erster Groschenroman gewesen, und hat mich einen halben Schwimmbadnachmittag begleitet. Die Handlung ist überraschend komplex, es gibt überraschend wenig Sex (nur 2 mal im ganzen Heft), und leider gibt es genau so viele Rechtschreibfehler wie erwartet.

Lilith ist halb Vampirin, halb Mensch, hat einen Symbionten, der ihr als Kleidung dient, und ist aus irgendeinem Grund auf der Suche nach Landru. Sie bringt dabei nicht nur sich selbst in Gefahr, sondern auch ihre menschlichen Freunde...
Am Ende kann Landru nach Indien entkommen...

Viel mehr Handlung habe ich ohne der Kenntnis der ersten 5 Romanhefte nicht entnehmen können, fand das Ganze aber durchaus unterhaltsam, und werde mir die nächsten Hefte auch besorgen!

Auch wenn ich mich zum Teil nicht wirklich ausgekannt hab, geb ich Vampira (Folge 6) 5 Punkte von 10 möglichen.

Dead until dark (2)

Sookie Stackhouse, a 25 year old mindreader lives in Bon Temps (Louisiana) in a world, where two years ago the Vampires had their coming out. They are no longer dependend from human blood but can live on a substance called "true blood" (hence the title of the series...). Sookie works in a bar, and when the first ever vampire comes in, she is more than thrilled. First she saves Vampire Bills live, then he saves hers... A vampire love story, refreshingly different from twilight!

After seeing the first season of TrueBlood I have to say, I like the book better (in spite of loving the series). Jason (Sookies brother) is not such a big asshole and not such a sexmaniac as in the series, Tara (Sookies friend in the series) is completely missing (I am not sure if that is good or not), the other vampires (as Eric) are not as bad as in the series.
All in all, the book is not as dramatic as the series which might be the reason why I like it a little better.

Dead Until Dark gets 7 out of 10

Wednesday, 6 July 2011

Dead until dark

Today I started "Dead Until Dark", the first of the Sookie Stackhouse novels by Charlaine Harris.

Not that I am a big reader of Vampire Stories, but I like to read a book before I see the movie (sometimes the other way round), and as we have the first season of TrueBlood at home...

 I heard, that the first season goes relatively conform with the first book, I am going to find out the truth! :-)