Monday, 18 July 2011

Dead until dark (2)

Sookie Stackhouse, a 25 year old mindreader lives in Bon Temps (Louisiana) in a world, where two years ago the Vampires had their coming out. They are no longer dependend from human blood but can live on a substance called "true blood" (hence the title of the series...). Sookie works in a bar, and when the first ever vampire comes in, she is more than thrilled. First she saves Vampire Bills live, then he saves hers... A vampire love story, refreshingly different from twilight!

After seeing the first season of TrueBlood I have to say, I like the book better (in spite of loving the series). Jason (Sookies brother) is not such a big asshole and not such a sexmaniac as in the series, Tara (Sookies friend in the series) is completely missing (I am not sure if that is good or not), the other vampires (as Eric) are not as bad as in the series.
All in all, the book is not as dramatic as the series which might be the reason why I like it a little better.

Dead Until Dark gets 7 out of 10

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