Monday, 17 October 2011

No et moi

After a few dime novels I started  "No et moi". I read it in German, as my French is not good enough.

No and me... Me, that is 13 year old Lou, living in Paris with her parents who suffer from the loss of Lous baby sister a few years ago. She is very intelligent and skipped therefore two classes. As a result, she is the youngest in her class, but being as bright as she is, she is still the best. Feeling quite isolated (not one of her classmates, wants to be friends with her) she goes to the trainstation after school in order to watch people. One day, No, a 18 year old homeless starts to speak to Lou. She just needs a person, who talks to her, so Lou gets to the trainstation each daym, gets to know Lou, and even holds a speech at school about homeless women in France, Paris in particular.
Lou`s only "friend" is Lucas, who repeats the class, does not pay attention to what the teachers say, and is a rebel in each and every way.
Lou starts to think, that when each person took one homeless person and took care of them, therefore she wants to convince her parents to take No to live with them. No, being as down as down can be, is being washed and newly dressed at Lucas flat, and then starts her new life with Lou and her parents.
At first everything is perfect, No takes her time to recover, becomes a valueable member of the family and even gets herself a job. When Lou and her parents have to leave Paris for a few days to meet Lous aunt things turn into a different direction...

I have to say, that book is really a pageturner! One always wants to know what happens next and one feels the drama rising... Despite knowing, that there cannot be a happy ending, one cannot stop reading, one is happy when Lou is, one is sad, when Lou is. I started crying in the train again.... So, I think No et Moi is the perfect book for everyone who really likes to be "inside" a book.
I award 10 out of 10 for an outstanding reading experience!

Next one to come is Marguerite Duras` "the Lover"

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