Sunday, 13 November 2011

Arkadien fällt

Kai Meyer's "Arkadien fällt" is the third an final volume of the Arkadien-trilogy. Rosa and Alessandro continue to fight for their love, as all shapeshifter clans have a problem with their relationship. As they find out after a lot of research and livethreatening situations, the real bad guy is the hungry man, who wants them to marry (and then kill each other) in order to regain the power the shapeshifters had in former times.

Well, I keep this so short, because I think, one word much spoils everything. The book itself is well written, as usual, but I think there is a little too much action. What the first two volumes lacked on action, this volume likes to pick up. There is very much plot for a book of only 340 pages, so you have to keep track.
But all in all, Arkadien fällt is a good ending for the trilogy, every riddle has a solution and one has a good feeling for the future of the main characters.

I award 7 out of 10 for this book due to the mentioned hurry in the plot (perhaps the book should have had 500 pages, so all would have been well :-)).

I have not yet decided what to read next, as I have not read my current volumes of 2012 and Vampira.

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