Sunday, 11 March 2012

Rita Mae Brown - Hiss of Death

Hiss of death is the 19th book in Rita Mae Browns mystery series which she writes together with her cat Sneaky Pie and which focus around ex postmistress Harry (Mary Minor Harristeen) and her pets. The story begins with the planning of a 5K run in favour of breast cancer victims.
As in most of the "Crozet"-mysteries Harry is involved in the findings of bodies. This time, Paula Benton, nurse, is found dead in her barn, with a hornet lying next to her. As Paula was allergic, nobody thinks of murder in the first place. The 5K run is dedicated to her, and after the run Harry and her friends decide to make the necessary mammographie, just to check that everything is ok - but it isn't. Harry is diagnosed with stage one breast cancer, gets operated and gets radiation treatment.
Harry, trying to do something new every day, now she is diagnosed, goes for a ride with a friend on very good horses, and finds another body - the one of Thadia, another person working in the hospital.
Later on, Harry witnesses another murder - a surgeon. Now things are clear, something is happening at the hospital, and Harry will soon find out - and get herself into troubles, as usual :-)

I bought this book, despite the mostly negative critics on I can understand, why people have problems with the last few book of Brown - mostly she is writing in a very political way, and what made the first 15 books or so so loveable was the story, the pets, and the loving creation of the characters. Now a lot of these characters are either completely missing (Miranda) or have just a very short appearance (Reverend). But I sense Brown is coming back. Hiss of death beats the pants of Cat of the Century (which really was not readable at all).
All in all I award 6 out of 10.

I have not yet decided what to read next, I am hovering between the second Panem book and the 10th Kathy Reichs book, but it might be something completely different as well. UPDATE: So! Now I decided what to read! This morning I started with "What Maisie knew" by Henry James.
UPDATE2: Henry James... I do not think I will read another one of his books... well, I am at 32% (12.4.2012), and I decided to put my kindly on my nightstand, and read now "Kai Meyer: Die Gebannte".

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