Monday, 4 February 2013

E. L. James - Shades of Grey (Trilogy)

I chose to download the trilogy of Shades of Grey (being so much cheaper than the single editions).
Anastasia Steele has to help out her ill friend, and gets to meet attractive millionaire Christian Grey, who seems to be first annoyed, then interested in Ana. A few days after their first encounter, Christian makes clear, he wants to be Anas dom - meaning her sexual superior and BDSM-Master. Ana - not having any sexual experience - hestitates to sign the necessary contract, and turns Christian mad by not doing what she is told :-). Well, as anyone might have guessed, Ana - as she is very much attracted to Christian - wants to do whatever Christian tells her, but soon discovers her hard limits.
Very surprisingly, the end of volume one is not a happy one. So, eager to know what is going on between the two, I immediately started with volume two. Part 2 is far more relaxed than part 1. There is much more story and a little less sex, but I liked it all the same. Part 3 turns the events into a thriller with sexual elements and leads to a nice ending, with the possibility of a further volume...

I don't want to reveal too much of the plot, that's why my summary is even shorter than usual, but really, it is surprising at times, and one gets to know some serious secrets about Christian... so, well, Ladies, go and read it :-) (not that you expect too much, it is a nice story to read, but not too special - all the same, very likeable) - I award 8 out of 10.

I now go back to Westeros and started already "A dance with dragons", the last of the already published books of George R. R. Martins "Song of Ice and Fire".

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