In this Blog I give (very) short summaries as well as short reviews of the books I read. Books will usually be reviewed in the language I read them (English or German). [Follow my blog with Bloglovin]
Tuesday, 25 June 2013
Fabian Lutz - Zombie Deutschland, Episode 1 - Ground Zero
Die Erzählstruktur ist für mich wieder etwas schwierig... was einfach daran liegt, dass mir geradlinige Geschichten lieber sind. Hier wird in Vorher/Nachher und Aufzeichnungen unterteilt, was es am Anfang nicht gerade leicht macht, der Geschichte zu folgen.
Vorher spielt scheinbar vor irgendeiner Katastrophe, der Sohn einer berühmten Unternehmerfamilie ist verschwunden, und ein Journalist versucht näheres herauszufinden.
Nachher spielt nach der Katastrophe, und ein Kollege des Vorher-Journalisten schafft es, sich vom Alkohol zu lösen, und das Haus in dem er die letzten Tage verbracht hat, zu verlassen. Das Haus liegt soweit abseits von jeglicher Zivilisation, dass er nichts von der Katastrophe mitbekommen hat. Insofern wundert er sich zuerst, dass das Nachbarsschwein unbeaufsichtigt durch seinen Garten streift, dann über verlassene Panzer und schließlich über das seltsame Wesen, das einmal sein Nachbar war.
Obwohl ich jetzt ein bisschen gespoilert habe, habe ich eigentlich nichts verraten, weil selbst die ganze Geschichte noch kaum etwas verrät... Man, ich wäre so gespannt, wie es weitergeht, ich würde mich sogar versuchen, mit der Erzählstruktur anzufreunden. Hat das Buch vielleicht jemand? Oder kennt wer den Autor? Bitte legt ein gutes Wort für mich ein :-)
Vergeben würde ich einstweilen nur 5 von 10, weil eben so wenig verraten wird, und ich jetzt mitten im Nirgendwo hänge!
Suzanne Collins - Mockingjay
I am getting more and more a fan of Suzanne Collins, who manages to make this Story even worse than it was in part 2. She describes a dark and nearly death-sentenced world, where only a little hope is left, that somewhen everything might be right again.
Even the lovestory is not really ending in a happy way. Wow, I really appreciated that - I could not have standed a wonderfull hollywood happy end.
So I award 10 out of 10.
I already finished "Zombie Deutschland - Episode I - Ground Zero" by Fabian Lutz (I am not able to find a working link to this one, as well as I am not able to find the other volumes, despite it being ebooks... - can anyone help me out?), and started reading "The Last Book" by Michael Collins (I don't think he is related to Suzanne, but who knows?) as well as something very different and very enjoyable: "Bear called Paddington" by Michael Bond (which is making people turn their head because I am roaring out of laughter)
Wednesday, 19 June 2013
Suzanne Collins - Catching Fire
In the second book of the hunger games trilogy Katniss' life after the games is prescribed. She and Peeta, both being winner of the 74th hunger games, have to travel to each and every district of Panem, have to look into the eyes of the family members of children they killed.
While travelling, they find out, that life is not so peaceful as it was, the 12 districts of Panem are beginning to fight against the presumingly allmighty Capitol.
When the 75th hunger games are announced, it is clear, that not only Katniss, but Peeta and others as well have to go back into the Arena, where Katniss rises to be the Idol of the new revolution - the mockingjay of Panem.
I really liked the second book. Especially, because it continues with not being a happy story. Everything happening is tragic and one really feels sorry with everyone of the Main characters.
I award 9 out of 10 and already finished the last book of the trilogy "Mockingjay".
Tuesday, 4 June 2013
Rita Mae and Sneaky Pie Brown - The Big Cat Nap
In the 20th book about Harry Harristeen everything is about cars, people have minor and major accidents, people get murdered in their cars or at the repair Shop, get chased by faster cars etc.
Bad Chance, Harrys old John Deere needs to be repaired as well, and Harry, always interested in everything questions her repairmaster, and hence gets a good idea what might be behind all these murders and behind all These strange car accidents...
Well, the 20th story wants to be a Crozet-story, and sure does a lot to be One, old friends and beloved characters are back in the cast... All the same, there is a lot of productplacement, there are sentences where you don't know whether they are really finished or not... Strange a little! I am not one of those readers, who will stop reading Brown, but to be honest, it is Not so much fun as it was until a few books ago...
I award 6 out of 10 for trying. Coming up next is the second book of the Hunger Games series by Suzanne Collins (Catching Fire).
Additionally I started reading the Zombie Survival Guide (Max Brooks).