Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Rita Mae and Sneaky Pie Brown - The Big Cat Nap

In the 20th book about Harry Harristeen everything is about cars, people have minor and major accidents, people get murdered in their cars or at the repair Shop, get chased by faster cars etc.
Bad Chance, Harrys old John Deere needs to be repaired as well, and Harry, always interested in everything questions her repairmaster, and hence gets a good idea what might be behind all these murders and behind all These strange car accidents...

Well, the 20th story wants to be a Crozet-story, and sure does a lot to be One, old friends and beloved characters are back in the cast... All the same, there is a lot of productplacement, there are sentences where you don't know whether they are really finished or not... Strange a little! I am not one of those readers, who will stop reading Brown, but to be honest, it is Not so much fun as it was until a few books ago...

I award 6 out of 10 for trying. Coming up next is the second book of the Hunger Games series by Suzanne Collins (Catching Fire).
Additionally I started reading the Zombie Survival Guide (Max Brooks).


  1. Huhu! Duhu... muss man denn diese Rita Mae-Bücher der Reihe nach lesen, oder könnt ich da mittendrin auch anfangen bzw. mit dem Band der dir am Besten gefallen hat?


  2. Mittendrin empfiehlt sich nicht so, da man dann die Charaktere nicht so kennt... Das erste ist zwar nicht das allerbeste, aber es ist eine gute Einführung für Crozet und seine Einwohner :-)
