Monday, 22 July 2013

Iain Rob Wright - The Final Winter: An Apocalyptic Horror Novel

Iain Rob Wright - The Final Winter: An Apocalyptic Horror Novel: A pub somewhere in Great Britains nowhere... A few days ago it startet snowing worldwide, and now the snow is responsible for a more or less total breakdown of all infrastructure. Some of the local alcoholics and the waitress are locked-in and try to make the best of it. A stranger enters the pub, says a few friendly words, and then... power breakdown - not only in the pub, but in the whole town, probably in the whole world. When the electrical panel is checked, it is clear, that not simply the RCD is down, but the panel is burned completely.
And things start to get weird: when people of the surrounding shops try to get to the pub one gets murdered by strange hooded figures; another is thrown through the pub window and by that badly injured; freshly drawn beer is suddenly stale...
After a while in the completely frozen pub, where everybody is wrapped in warm clothing and everything flamable is burned, the persons trapped start to get to know and trust each other, which turns out to be a bad mistake! Something bad is still outside, but evil is not banned from the pub - and the hooded strangers outside are on a mission: They want the SINNER. But everyone of the pubpeople has a skeleton in the closet... so who is meant, who can they sent out to stop all this? And will all this be stopped by sending out a single person?

I really liked the book - only thing I did not like as much is the revelation of who the hooded figures are, and who the stranger in the pub is, apart from that it was a nice story, and even better, after finishing the story there are some short-stories from the final winter at the end of the book, stories of what happened in other parts of the world and how people reacted to the situation.

All in all I think I award 8 out of 10.

I am yet undecided as what to read next - I thought about "Watership down" - but the book I have is really old and has a really bad smell... I don't know yet, but will inform you :-)

 --> it turned out to be the first part of the Bartimäus books by Jonathan Stroud.

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