Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Kathy Reichs - 206 Bones

Temperance Brennan awakes in utter darkness. Her hand and feet are tied together, and she is terribly cold. What has happened? Tempe is not able to remember, what she was doing before she ended up in this dark hole. While she is trying to free herself and to explore the shallow tomb, the reader learns, what brought her into this predicament.

Tempe and Andrew Ryan transfer the remains of an elderly heiress to Chicago. When the case is rediscussed, Tempe is accused of having mishandled the autopsy, thus ruining the whole case.
Back in Montreal another old woman is found in the middle of a forest, and soon after, a third. As the cases all seem to be linked, Tempe tries her best, to find the connection, but all the time, she seems to miss something. Her colleague however, becomes better and better as an anthropologist...
When a family - seemingly from a plane crash decades ago - cannot be identified because of strange happening, Tempe begins to suspect something...

206 Bones is so far the best Tempe Brennan book (for me). The book is a real page turner, although I liked the 2nd Virals more (hey, it was Goonie-Style). I suspected early who Tempe's fiend might be, all the same, it was thrilling how everything turned out. So I will award 10 out of 10 for it was a thrilling and super reading experience.

My next take-away-book is "The Falcon at the Portal" from Elizabeth Peters (it has been far too long, that I have been to Egypt).

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