Sunday, 4 October 2015

Peter V. Brett: The Desert Spear

The second part of the Demon Cycle follows in the first part Jardir (who already played a minor role in "The Warded Man"). We learn how he learned to fight, how he finished off his first demon, how he fell in love, how he became the leader of the desert folk. Even Arlens role is shortly mentioned.

The second half of the novel tells about Jardirs way up north (in order to join forces against the corelings), but tells also about the fate of Arlen, Leesha and Rojer. Another minor character - Renna - also becomes a bigger part of this story!

The story goes on in exactly the same way as the first, it is very thrilling and some parts made me stay up very long. I love the characters - I even became accustomed to Jardir, whom I didn't like at all in book 1. I award 10 out of 10 and look forward to reading the third part "The Daylight War".

But first things first: The third part of Ms. Peregrines Home for Peculiar Children has arrived on my kindle, and I am not at 33%.

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